Gum Grafting

Recession refers to the progressive loss of gum tissue, which ultimately leads to exposed tooth roots. Gum (gingival) recession, can affect one or more teeth and result in attachment loss, which can lead to clinical problems such as hypersensitive teeth and soft tissue, cavities along the root surfaces, difficult plaque control, and gum inflammation. If the recession is extensive, it can also lead to aesthetic concerns.

Gingival recession has numerous causes, but it is commonly associated with a pre-existing anatomical condition (such as uneven tooth position or inadequate gum tissue dimensions), mechanical trauma, overzealous tooth brushing, poor dental hygiene, and periodontal disease.

The significance of gum recession may vary considerably, depending on the cause, extent of recession, and the associated symptoms for each patient. If the recession area is not extensive and progressing, does not trigger tooth sensitivity, and there is some healthy band of gum tissue remaining around the tooth, then regular observation through a periodontal maintenance program, as well as oral hygiene instructions, would be the optimal treatment.

The degree of gingival recession will be monitored at maintenance (cleaning) appointments for signs of further progression.

When the recession defect is extensive, the body loses a natural defense against both bacterial invasion and trauma. When the recession leads to a clinical problem, gum reconstruction through the use of various periodontal gum grafting techniques is an option. The procedure is also used to restore the natural gum symmetry, and an aesthetically pleasing smile.

Please ask Dr. Goyal to learn more about the innovative advances in gum-tissue regeneration and gum-grafting techniques, as well as management of the clinical symptoms of recession with the latest non-invasive techniques.